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How To Start Producing EDM Like a Boss, Even if You’re Not Sure Where To Begin.
The step-by-step process called "The Phuture Producer Method" is easy to follow, so you can build confidence and create the music you love.

What Students Are Saying About This Course
“Something that took my music from sounding amateur to professional was what i learned from you about composition, structuring songs and layering instruments. A lot of what I learned from you helped me get unstuck. I learned so much about detailed production as well as finishing the damn song! I'm so grateful."
“What I learned from you transformed my relationship to what I thought was possible for me as a producer. It wasn’t just that I learned things like how to choose sounds, how to combine them in a way so they don’t compete and how to mix, those skills helped me make new choices during production that improved my music.”
FINALLY, A Proven Way To Start Making EDM Without Being Overwhelmed, Using The Phuture Producer Method
If you’re a Producer (or will be soon), chances are you're a music lover just like me...
You want to create music you enjoy. You want strategies for building your skill, finding inspiration, and getting whats in your head to pour out of the speakers.
However, there’s a few problems right now:
You're getting started and don't know where to begin or feel overwhelmed.
You're unsure about the creative process or where to find inspiration
You can start an idea but get stuck and don't know how to finish.
You don't know how to get your ideas to sound good or craft a solid sounding mix.
You're not sure how to create your own unique "sound" as an artist.
If any of this has you nodding your head, thinking “yeah, that’s me”—then read on, because I’m excited to share this game-changing opportunity with you.
Experience & Success
Learn from over 2 decades of success in the industry as a Producer, DJ, Touring Musician & Coach.
Wisdom On Demand
Video training modules you can access anytime & learn at your own pace
Create Music Faster!
Strategies for getting started so you can get to having fun & making music you love more quickly!
Phutureprimitive Song Templates
Ableton Project Files based on course lessons for reference & inspiration
Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks collected from years of experience that I wish I had known when I started out.
Find Inspiration
How to find great Sounds, Inspiration, Resource Guide & Terminology
You need to know that it's entirely realistic and possible to create EDM that you love. This is how!
As a producer, whether you’re just getting started, having a hard time finishing songs or just want to learn more tools for your creative process, you need to grasp these concepts:

Week 1: The Basics
Learning from other musicians has been one of the best ways to grow my skill set as an artist. I've collected so many techniques, shortcuts, and methods of creation and I can hardly wait to share them with you, so you can get to making music faster than I did.
I've been around long enough to know that I'm most fulfilled when I'm contributing to others. That's why I started coaching others how to create this INCREDIBLE thing we call MUSIC. I absolutely love what I do and I want to share it!
Making music is like creating worlds out of thin air.
In this module I'll show you:
A basic overview of the hardware and software you need to get started producing EDM.
Helpful Tips & Trick I wish I had known when I started.
Resources for your journey.
Your biggest challenges in getting started.
... and much more!

Week 2: Inspiration & The Creative Process
Other music is obvious... but where else can we find inspiration to inform our creative process? Let's find out!
This Week I Show You:
Finding Inspiration in a sea of sounds, samples, and presets
Exercises for exploring your creative process (variations on a theme)
How to choose quality sounds that move you
Q & A (from the original live course)
... and much more!

Week 3: Turning Notes Into Ideas... Into Songs
Arrangement is one of my favorite parts of the music-making process. Deciding how one idea flows into another is actually an emotional process. Find out more...
In This Module I’ll Show You:
Arrangement of samples into rhythms, notes into melodies and chords into progressions
Flow, and transitions
Techniques and strategies for turning your ideas into songs.
Telling a story.
Q & A (from the original live course)
... and much more!

Week 4: Crafting The Perfect Mix
It doesn't matter if you're listening on headphones, studio speakers, your car or the dance floor... There is a world of difference between a mediocre-sounding mix and a great-sounding mix. You've taken the time to create a masterpiece... Make sure it sounds AMAZING!
3 Dimensional sound
Crafting a solid Mix!
Mixing with a reference track
Q & A (from the original live course)
Bonus sound design demo
... and much more!
Phutureprimitive Complete Collection
All of my Albums, EPs, Remixes & Singles. 64 Song in total!!!
$99 Value - Free Today
Sample Pack of Drums & Effects
Hand-selected by me… Samples used in my own music. 12 Kicks, 13 Snares & Claps, 13 HiHats, 14 FX, 9 Crashes
$25 Value - FREE Today
Sample Pack from Course Project
Value $25 - FREE Today
Audio Production Guide by Tryptophant
FREE Today
Pre-Master Checklist by Liquid Mastering
FREE Today
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The Phuture Producer Method
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Here's a story...
... about EDM Producer NIMITAE, who asked me to help him improve his production skills. He had the basics down but struggled to get the ideas in his head to come to life. He needed help with sound curation and his mixes were muddy, crowded and hard to listen to…
After applying the techniques I shared with him, the quality of his music improved dramatically. His mixes are much clearer and sound great on the dance floor. He quickly produced an albums worth of songs and remixes, and now performs and collaborates along side other artist he admires. He’s able to get ideas in his head to pour out of the speakers, while curating a vibrant pallet of sounds. He has a new found confidence in and out of the studio, and even started sharing what he's learned with other artists.
"There’s a whole psychological level of learning here. Each new layer I learned from you led to more confidence. The more confident I felt the more creative expression came through me. It wasn’t like you taught me confidence directly, but I feel more confident as a result of what I learned."
Now you might be asking yourself...
What if I'm not sure how to get started?
You don’t know where to get started... That’s great. That means you’re not likely to skip ahead, out fo order, and miss the fundamentals which can be difficult later on. So if you’re not sure where to get started this ones for you.
What if I'm concerned about money?
I’m glad you’re concerned about money. It’s important you don’t go out and buy every synth out there, then get overwhelmed with your choices. The fact that you’re frugal and want to make sure it’s worth your money means you’ll likely do really well with this course. The part of you that wonders if this is worth it is the same part of you that you’ll use to make good choices in your music.
What if I have a hard time finishing songs?
You might be worried because you’ve started songs, then get stuck and have a hard time finishing them. It’s not because there’s anything wrong with you. You’re not lazy. Until now, you just didn’t have The Phuture Producer Method to keep you on track. When you’re on track each step is easier than the last. It gets easier and easier to finish a song. Finishing and sticking with it becomes a natural part of your wave of music creation. The fact that you’re worried about it tells me that you care about finishing and that’s great. If you care about finishing I’ll give you a steps to do so.
What if I’m concerned I don’t have enough time to do this course?
I totally understand. Which is why I designed the course specifically to help you make more music in less time. If I added up all the time that you spend thinking and daydreaming about the music you’d like to make, looking up gear online, watching random tutorials, listening to music ... all of that is much more than the time it will take to learn how to make music more efficiently, so when you have an impulse to make music your output is music that you love.
What if I might not be good enough at making music?
The thing most people don’t admit to themselves (and this happened to me) is we worry “I might not be good enough. What if we go to all this trouble and learn all these tools and techniques… And we spend this time… And I’m not good enough?” Well, If you close your eyes and you imagine music that you haven’t heard before, do you like it? If so, that is you. That’s your creative inner being making music. You can hear it just by imagining it. So all that really remains is the technical skill to get what's in your head to pour out of the speakers. When you do, it will be just as brilliant as the music you hear in your imagination.

"Thank you so much. Music has been so rewarding to me... feeling like I'm living a life with meaning, and your guidance has brought a lot of fulfillment to that. Your lessons were a huge help in me putting a competent track together!"
"I really appreciate the enthusiasm and the style in which you teach and have for making music. I go to school for teaching and I think your pedagogical skills and your ethos towards your craft are amazing! I also appreciate you wanting to spread knowledge."
~Laim Phelan

Course Specific FAQs
This course is intended for those who are just getting started producing EDM, as well as those who are already producing and would like to up their production game by learning from 2 decades of experience.
This course is less about the technical aspects of how to use a specific DAW or piece of software, and more about concepts, workflows and techniques for creating EDM, regardless of what software you're using.
This course starts out with a resource guide and an overview of the hardware and software needed to get started producing EDM (which is probably less than you think).
It's designed to follow at your own pace so that, if you don't already own the necessary tools to get started, you can check out the resource guide and watch module 1 (or the entire course) then get gear needed, (or find out if what you have is already enough) then watch the remaining modules as many times as you'd like, to apply what you learn.
The software used for creating music with a computer is called a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Ableton & Logic are probably the most commonly used DAWs for producing EDM, however there are many options at various price points out there.
While I teach the course using Ableton, the vast majority of what you'll learn can be applied using any music making software.
This course is less about the technical aspects of how to use a specific DAW or piece of software, and more about concepts, workflows and techniques for creating EDM, regardless of what software you're using.
It is helpful to have a grasp of basic musical concepts, however formal lessons in music theory are not necessary.
One of the techniques you'll learn is how to get great sounding melodies and chord progressions without a formal education in music theory.
I totally understand. Which is why I designed the course specifically to help you make more music in less time. If I added up all the time that you spend thinking and daydreaming about the music you’d like to make, looking up gear online, watching random tutorials, listening to music ... all of that is much more than the time it will take to learn how to make music more efficiently, so when you have an impulse to make music your output is music that you love.
The thing that most people don’t admit to themselves (and this happened to me) is that we worry “I might not be good enough. What if we go to all this trouble and learn all these tools and techniques… And we spend this time… And I’m not good enough?”
If you close your eyes and imagine music that you haven’t heard before, do you like it?
If so, that is you. That’s your creative inner being making music. You can hear it just by imagining it. So all that really remains is the technical skill to get whats in your head to pour to of the speakers. When you do, it will be just as brilliant as the music you hear in your imagination.

Money Back Guarantee
If within the first 30 days of purchase you're not satisfied with this training, just send us an email and 100% of your investment will be refunded. That's how confident I am in this training.